Intermittent Fasting has become super popular in last so many years. However, there are still so many people who are not aware of what exactly is Intermittent fasting? So first I will throw some light on the fact that what is intermittent fasting.
What is Intermittent Fasting?
It’s a kind of eating pattern where people have to eat in a certain cycle and rest of the time they have to do fasting. In the name of Intermittent, we have so many fasting plans and one of them is a very famous known as 5/2 diet plan.
This plan means you can eat normally for five days of the week, however, you cannot eat any food for rest two days or you will be on very less diet (almost less than 600 calories).
There is one more plan for this fasting which is known as fasting for 16 hours, where people can eat normally for 8 hours of the day, however, they cannot eat anything for remaining 16 hours of the day.
Like these fasting plans, there are many other myths about intermittent fasting for women. All these are lead by so many old misinformation about fasting.
Some Popular Myths which are Surrounding us With Intermittent Fasting.
Starvation Mode
This is one of the biggest myths about intermittent fasting and trusts me the majority of women believe this to be a fact. As per theories of people, if you are fasting, your body will shut down metabolism to conserve fat and calories as it believes that it is starving.
Eventually, it is true that weight loss for the long term will reduce some calories you burn and can add lots of calories burned daily. So what they are not telling you is that all this will happen if you are losing weight, no matter what method you choose.
Body Can Use so Much Protein at a Time
This is again one of the biggest myths about fasting. Here people thing that human body can digest only around 30 grams of protein at a time that’s why they think that people should eat after every 3 hours.
As per studies, it is proven that there is no difference in food digestion it is normally always if it will happen slowly then the human would have died millions of years back.
There are so many folks around who think that eating food frequently is good for health. Truth is that it is not good for the human body to consume food constantly, human should remain empty stomach for a short span of time.
Fasting sometimes results in health benefits however if you are doing it regularly and consuming so many snacks then it can result in a serious disease like excessive liver fat, cancer etc.
Lose Muscle
As per few people if you are not eating properly then your body will burn your body muscles for fuel. This is generally applicable to those people who diet but they end up with nothing or we can say that for the women who do intermittent fasting.
As per studies, it is proven that intermittent helps in reducing weight but they had to a faceless reduction in muscle mass. That’s why intermittent fasting is done by bodybuilders as it enables them to maintain perfect body muscles.
Brain Needs Glucose
This myth is based on a saying that the brain only needs glucose for proper functioning that’s why few people do intermittent fasting and they do not eat properly.
The result if body start producing ketone and it also takes necessary glucose stored in the liver for the proper functioning of the brain.
Health Issues
There are so many people who believe that if you will go without eating then it will result in bad health, however, this is not true.
As per various studies, intermittent fasting is very good for the best health it helps in maintaining genes longitivity and also protects you from diseases.
Intermittent dieting also helps in improving insulin sensitivity, oxidative stress. So if your mother is worried that you are not eating sometimes, tell her doctor said that sometimes eating is good for better health.
Weight Loss
It is scientifically proven that frequent eating is not good. It only decreases metabolism and increases hunger. In short, it does the reverse of what exactly needs to be done. Does it mean that it has an effect on weight loss?
As per studies, weight is not dependent on meal frequency. As per one study, it is proven that there is no difference in hunger, weight loss and fat of the people who are taking three large meals and the people who are taking six small meals.
As stated earlier intermittent fasting or eating frequently will not increase metabolism. It will result in so many health issues. So there is no use of believing and flowing the saying that eating, again and again, will result in best health.
In the end, I just want to highlight that one should take care of their diet. They should eat a proper meal should do intermittent fasting sometimes. Try not to believe in old stories as they will always misguide you, this can also result in serious health issues.
One should make a diet plan in a way that they do not starve and they do not remain empty stomach for a long time as both can cause serious health issues.

I’m Rhea, a fitness enthusiast, and a food lover. I am a housemaker, foodie, writer from NYC. I am a passionate writer and I love exploring places. Since I love cooking and working out, I am sharing my organic food recipes, fitness and beauty tips with the world. Trying to touch lives with some useful information.