What are Probiotics?
We barely know what portion of nutrients our regular meal carries. Among other dietary things, probiotic food is of importance. They are active microorganisms with certain health benefits.
They act as digestive rich source and support the immune system to improve heart condition, reduce depression and also helps to get better skin.
Probiotics, present in the gut, form the primary line, directly helping in absorbing the nutrients from food as a part of the digestion process. The digestive process gets affected when there is an imbalance of gut bacteria.
Doctors prescribe their patient to take antibiotics for certain illness. Antibiotics may help the patient to recover but, can cause issues like digestive problems or stomach upset as side effects.
Along with harmful bacteria, essential bacteria also get destroyed by antibiotics. The gut bacteria, if killed have to be supplied externally as whole foods probiotics.
Effects of Lack of Probiotics
Acute digestive disorders, skin problems, autoimmune diseases, Candida, tendencies to catch flu and colds easily, inflammatory bowel syndrome, eczema, urinary tract infections, moral issues, and allergy problems are common effects.
Both natural sources and supplements can fulfill your system’s probiotic requirement. Bifidobacterium, a good bacterium is usually present in most dairy products. This improves the irritable bowel syndrome.
Saccharomyces boulardii, meaning yeast, fights digestive issues, especially, helps to cure diarrhea. Probiotics affect the nerves which control gut movement helping the transfer of food through the gut.
List of Probiotic-Rich Foods and their Benefits
1. Yogurt
Fermentation of milk is carried out by essential bacteria such as Lactobacillus to produce yogurt. It provides various health benefits especially improving bone health.
A high blood pressure patient is advised to include yogurt in the daily diet. Yogurt helps to improve the condition of children suffering from antibiotic infused diarrhea.
It is also safe for lactose intolerant individuals because the latter gets transformed into lactic acid, causing the sour taste of yogurt.

2. Kefir
It is a fermented drink obtained from milk. Kefir grains are usually added to goat’s or cow’s milk to form probiotic-rich food. They differ from cereal grains and are more efficient than yogurt.

3. Sauerkraut
Finely shredded cabbages are fermented in lactic acid bacteria, making it probiotic rich. It is usually used as sausage topping or served as a side dish.
Having a unique flavor with a combination of salt and sour taste, they can be well preserved in airtight containers for long.
Other nutritional value of this food includes vitamin C, K, and B, iron, manganese, and sodium. Lutein and zeaxanthin, vital antioxidants present in kefir, are essential for good eye health. Always select unpasteurized sauerkraut.

4. Kimchi
It is a spicy fermented preparation having a Korean origin and is served as a side dish. Usually prepared by using cabbage but, other fresh vegetables can also meet this purpose.
Seasonings like red chili flakes, pepper powder, ginger, scallion, salt, and garlic are mixed together for making Kimchi.
Lactobacillus kimchii is the main lactic acid bacteria making it a probiotic food. It supplies vitamin K and riboflavin.
5. Tempeh
Soybean products are fermented to prepare Tempeh. It has a firm patty like structure tasting similar to earth, nut, and mushroom. It is a great alternative for high meat protein.
Phytic acid is highly present in soybeans. It is a plant product that helps in absorption of zinc and iron inside the human system.
The fermentation process increases the nutritional value and also adds Vitamin B12 in the soybean which is not present primarily.
Generally, Vitamin B12 gets supplied to the body from food items like animal meat which includes meat, eggs, and dairy. Thus, Tempeh can be the best probiotic food comprising a vegan diet.

6. Miso
It is simply a food seasoning having Japanese origin. Soybeans are fermented with salt and koji, fungi by nature to get this seasoning. Rye, barley, and rice can also be mixed with soybeans. It is a rich source of natural fiber and protein.

7. Pickles
It is prepared by fermenting cucumbers dipped in water and salt. This fermentation process occurs naturally in presence of natural lactic acid bacteria.
The taste of pickles is sour, having extensive probiotic values. The sodium level is high in a pickle.

8. Kombucha
Kombucha is a type of fermented tea. Till date, we only have animal studies and test tube results to support its probiotic value.

9. Buttermilk
Traditional buttermilk simply refers to any sort of dairy drink. But the probiotic food values are only available in the leftover dairy liquid that comes out after extraction of milk. Cultured buttermilk lacks in healthy dietary nutrients.
10. Natto
A ferment soybean food item, commonly found in Japanese cuisine. Rich in vitamin K2, it helps to prevent cardiac attacks and osteoporosis.
11. Cheese
Gouda, Cheddar, and Mozzarella are three types of cheese having probiotic benefits which help to improve bone and heart condition.

12. Green Peas
The presence of Leuconostoc mesenteriodes makes the peas potent and strong probiotics. At low temperatures it supports fermentation. So, green peas can be added to your regular salads, omelets, pasta and so on.
13. Dark Chocolate
Good amount of anti-oxidants are present in it. Free radicals, as well as the oxidation process of human cells, are controlled by it which proves its probiotic nature.
14. Microalgae
Plants particularly found in beds of oceans are called microalgae. Its probiotic feature helps to increase bifidobacteria and lactobacillus count in the digestive tract of the human body
15. Olives
Olive when kept in brine solution turns into a rich probiotic food source. The presence of Lactobacillus also makes it the perfect natural probiotic food that can be taken raw or can also be cooked with other food.

16. Idli
It is a staple food for South Indians. Idli is prepared by steaming fermented rice and black lentils.
In south Indian dishes, sweet neem leaves or curry leaves are added to enhance the flavor which is also said to carry certain probiotic factors.
The probiotic food balance regular diet can be maintained by consuming supplements or powder that is made by health brands. But, natural sources are always better than capsules.
Some foods like banana and apple are a rich source for inhibiting the probiotic agents. It is absorbed from carbs which remains undigested in the human system.
It is the food for the beneficial bacteria present in the gut. So, it is very essential for every individual to maintain a proper, balanced, regular diet which helps to build a good digestive system. With proper digestion, a person is less prone to the common illness.

I’m Rhea, a fitness enthusiast, and a food lover. I am a housemaker, foodie, writer from NYC. I am a passionate writer and I love exploring places. Since I love cooking and working out, I am sharing my organic food recipes, fitness and beauty tips with the world. Trying to touch lives with some useful information.