20 Tips on How to Get Rid of Cellulite on Thighs Fast

While cellulite on legs, thighs, butt, and stomach is perfectly natural and common, most of us will admit we want to see it gone for good.

What is Cellulite?

Cellulite is a condition where the skin gets a dimpled and lumpy appearance. It is mostly visible on the skins of thighs, buttocks, and hips. This condition predominantly affects women more than men.

This is because the distribution of fat cells, muscle, and connective tissue are different in men’s and women’s skin. Cellulite arises when fat deposits push through the connective tissue underneath the skin.

What Causes Cellulite on Thighs, Butt & Legs

Although the precise causes of cellulite are still unknown there are a few factors which can be associated with its appearance:

  • Hormonal factors and age
  • Genetics
  • Poor diet
  • Sedentary or unhealthy lifestyle
  • Pregnancy

With bikini and holiday season seemingly always on the horizon, many of us will be trawling the shops and salons for lotions, potions, creams, and miracle treatments to combat the unsightly dimpled skin.

Ways to Remove Cellulite from Legs, Thighs, and Bums

10 Natural Ways to Remove Cellulite with Home Remedies Quickly

Cellulite is a problem that affects around 80-90 percent of women globally. It can be medically treated with a variety of procedures but one can at first try some natural methods to get rid of the problem before heading for expensive medical remedies.

Remedy 1: Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar can be used for both internal and external remedy for the condition.

  • You can mix apple cider vinegar (3 tablespoons) with water (2 tablespoons) and honey (optional),
  • Apply to the affected area and massage for five minutes.
  • Then leave it for 30 minutes and rinse with lukewarm water.
  • For the best result, this should be done once daily.

You can drink a simple mix of apple cider vinegar (3 tablespoons) and honey (1 tablespoon) daily to shed the excess weight form the body.

Remedy 2: Juniper Oil

This oil has detoxifying properties that help remove the toxins accumulated within the fat tissues and smoothen the dimples on thighs.

  • Add olive oil with 10 drops of juniper oil and dilute it.
  • Massage on the cellulite for 10 minutes.
  • For maximum result do this process daily.

Remedy 3: Detox bath

A wholesome approach to how to get rid of cellulite on the back of legs is to take a detox bath.

  • Fill your bathtub with warm water.
  • Add one cup of sea salt and 4 sheets of seaweed in it and mix them well with hand.
  • Now sit and soak in this water for 20-30 minutes.
  • This home remedy can be done two times a week.
  • Always moisturize your skin with olive oil after the detox bath.

Remedy 4: Tomato paste

Massage the cellulite affected area with a mixture of two crushed and pasted tomato and 2 tablespoons of fresh lime juice for 10 minutes.

Wash with lukewarm water. To get a fast effect do this daily.

Remedy 5: Flaxseeds

Consume flax seeds blended with your shakes. It has omega three fatty acid which tightens skin around thigh and buttock.

Remedy 6: Tangerine oil

This oil improves blood circulation and closes the cellulite pockets.

  • Add 5 drops of tangerine oil with one tablespoon of olive oil.
  • Apply this paste on the cellulite, gently massage, and leave for 10 minutes.

To get the quick result you should apply this remedy 3-4 times a week. It is important not to get sun exposure for 1 hour after using tangerine oil.

Remedy 7: Drink Plenty of Water Daily

Drinking at least 8 glasses of water daily not only keeps the body hydrated but also helps flush out the toxins in cellulite pockets.

Remedy 8: Dry brushing

Dry brushing is a simple home remedy to remove cellulite from the thighs. It improves blood circulation and lymphatic drainage and reduces the appearance of cellulite.

You must use brushes with natural bristles, not synthetic ones. These brushes should be stiff but not hard.

For dry brushing, you must have a dry skin first. Then gently brush from feet up to the shoulder. Focus more on areas with cellulite. It is important to brush from lefts side of the body to the right.

At the end of the bushing, take a shower to wash away the dead skin. For an effective outcome, this process needs to be done daily for one month.

Remedy 9: Cayenne Pepper          

Cayenne pepper has the ability to boost metabolism and helps get rid of cellulite if taken in appropriate quantity. An excess consumption may be harmful to the body.

  • Mix a tablespoon of Cayenne Pepper with a teaspoon of ginger and juice of one lemon.
  • Add this mixture to a glass of warm water and mix it well.
  • Drink this mixture to get rid of cellulite.
  • For faster result drink this water twice daily.

Remedy 10: A Good Cellulite Diet

Eat salmon

Nonvegetarians should include salmons in their diet as this fish is rich in antioxidants which breaks down the cellulite fat.

Flax Seeds

These seeds are packed with essential fatty acids that would help to improve your skin’s elasticity.

Green Tea

Drinking herbal teas such as green tea can help diminish the visibility of cellulite. This tea increases energy expenditure in the body and inhibits fat absorption, assisting weight loss.

Milk Thistle

Silymarin, a compound found in milk thistle, promotes liver health. If the liver is functioning optimally, lesser fat will be stored in the body and lead to cellulite.

  • Cut out on your salt intake.
  • Consume foods that are high in nutrients: whole grains, beans, lean meats, fish, low-fat dairy products, fruits, and vegetables.
  • Eating a lot of refined and processed foods encourages cellulite to form.
  • Eliminating the toxins from its source is the key principle that one needs to follow to get rid of the cellulite. Eating more raw vegetables and fruits is advisable.  The alkaline nature of these food items attracts the acidic toxins, aiding in flushing out the latter from your body.

Best Exercises to Get Rid of Cellulite on Thighs & Bums

It is a common question to ask is it possible to get rid of cellulite through exercise and workouts. The answer is yes, it is.

“Getting rid of cellulite requires proper exercise, nutrition, proper circulation and the control of fat-storage hormones [that are] more prevalent in the lower body,” says personal trainer Ariane Hundt, founder of Brooklyn Bridge Boot Camp.

Here are some tips using which one can combat the cellulite from different parts of the body and back of the thighs.

  • Pile squat
  • Side Lunge
  • Single leg hamstring bridge
  • Bootstrappers
  • Hip bridge

In addition to these exercises, one should do the walking and some cardio exercises for improvement of overall health condition and tighten the skin. These exercises will also help you get rid of belly fat and saddlebags.

Lighter forms of exercise, such as slow walking, mild yoga and normal Pilates are quite ineffective but still better than sitting on the couch.’

FAQ’s about Removing Cellulite from Thighs, Legs, Butts

Q. How to firm thighs and reduce cellulite?

A. You can follow a balanced diet, a good exercise regime and the natural home remedies listed above to eliminate cellulite from thighs and buttocks.

Q. Does smoking cause cellulite?

A. Cigarette smoking can reduce blood vessel flow, which will weaken and disrupt the formation of collagen. That causes the connective tissue to stretch, weaken, and become damaged more easily. As a result, more underlying fat—aka cellulite—will show through.

Q. Will Cellulite Go Away After Pregnancy?

A. Cellulite does not go away by itself. A healthy diet and exercise routine is necessary to reduce these fat deposits and restore the smooth texture of your skin.

Q. Do Squats Help in Getting Rid Of Cellulite?

A. Squats work out the muscles in your lower body. They can help to get rid of cellulite on your buttocks, hips, thighs, and even calves.


Cellulite is a common condition related to the overall health condition of the health. Hence it is significant to improve the overall health of a person in the process of removing cellulite.

Attention to diet and maintenance of a good and balanced lifestyle are key to keep the body fit and free of any such conditions like cellulite.

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